Honeymooning on Hurtigruten

We are on our honeymoon! On MS Nordlys, a Hurtigruten ship going from Bergen in the south west of Norway along the coast to Kirkenes, near the Russian border, then back to Bergen. Twelve days of gorgeous scenery, and hopefully Northern Lights as well.


It is a bit late….. We got married in 2008, but could not afford a honeymoon then. After a gorgeous summer wedding on a small Norwegian island, I went back to Rome and my husband went back to London. He did join me eventually, but we were renovating our flat and had no money for holidays, and dinners were often lentils, pasta or chickpeas. Now, almost six years later, we are finally on our dream holiday, and I am still so happy every day that I get to be with my wonderful husband.


Day 1, Bergen: bucketing rain. Northern Norway in February can be a bit nippy, so we bought waterproof trousers in Bergen. That is our ship down in the harbour, MS Nordlys.

MS Nordlys again. Hurtigruten is the Coastal Express, a cross between a ferry and a cruise ship. You can see our realtime location here. ( Currently writing this in Trondheim, day 3, at a coffee bar in town, enjoying fast wifi. There is some wifi on board but very, very slow… So we are relaxing and enjoying ourselves. People are so nice as well.)

Day 2: Ålesund, lovely Jugend style town. My cousin met us here, and took us up to Aksla, with this splendid hilltop view.

Sunshine as we sailed out from Ålesund! Beautiful day, and the snow capped mountains are splendid.

On the way to Molde, beautiful mountains.


12 thoughts on “Honeymooning on Hurtigruten

      1. You’re welcome! I hope you’ll be sharing more of your trip with us. Great photos! 😀

  1. Awwww…that is so wonderful! And I am also a wee bit envious because a Hurtigruten cruise has long been on our travel wishlist. Looking forward to the next update!

    1. Oh, I hope you get the chance! We are on day three and it is just great. Eight hour stretch to Rørvik now, beautiful mountains with the sun setting so the light is amazing. Very calm sea as well. PS we found a 2 for 1 offer on the Hurtigruten UK website, which really helped on affordability.

      1. Thanks for the tip. We wanted to take the full cruise going up the coast and back. but specifically during the week of Epiphany in January. Crossing fingers….maybe next year.

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